Satam Stone, Rare Stone from Belitung which is formed from Meteor

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Belitung Article #206
 Asep Irwan Gunawan  5/11/2019
Location: Belitung VIEW 17401 LIKE 334

Being in a certain area will indeed be very appropriate and interesting if we can then get something unique from that place. Well, if you are going or going to Belitung, there is a special local object that is very special if you can have it. Belitung's unique object and the only one in Indonesia is Batu satam. Satam stone is indeed very very typical of Belitung. This can be seen from the determination of this satam stone as the icon of Tanjung Pandan as the capital of Belitung.

Special Rare Stone

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This satam stone is indeed very special. Because the satam stone is the only type of rock in Indonesia that is only found in Belitung. In the world itself, this satam stone only exists in several places such as in Australia and Czechoslovakia. This rock itself is a rare rock. This is because these rocks formed from natural processes millions of years ago that is unusual because of the reaction of the meteorites that fell to earth with the earth's layer containing tin. As we know that the lead content in Belitung is indeed very large. From this then came the beautiful Satam stone and many hunted stone collectors around the world.

Batu Satam Discovery and Research

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Judging from its history, Batu Satam was first discovered by ethnic Chinese tin miners in 1973 at a depth of 50 meters in Buding Village, Kelapa Kampit District, Belitung. Because of this discovery by the Chinese came the name Satam. The name Satam is indeed derived from Chinese which consists of two words namely "Sa" which means sand and "Tam" which means "gall". From here, Satam means sand bile. But by another scientist from the Netherlands named Ir. N. Wing Easton who conducted research in 1922, this Satam stone was named Billitonite. Another term that appears for the name of this meteor rock is Taktite given by the scientists. This rock is indeed so interesting that many scientists are examining it. Some scientific institutions that examine and test Satam rocks are the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University and the Mineral and Environmental Chemistry Laboratory. Based on these studies it was found that satam rock was formed from a combination of lead and meteor which fell to earth around 700 thousand years ago.

General Characteristics and Characteristics of Original Batu Satam

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Satam Stone is indeed different from other rocks. In general, the stone found about 50 meters below the surface of the land has the characteristics of the outer part that is uneven and curved like carved decorations. But on the inside we will find the opposite, that is smooth, flat like black glass. Meanwhile, for the initial shape before being polished, the craftsmen were considered to be varied, some were round, oval to irregular. To get the original satam stone, you must be thorough and careful. Well here are some of the characteristics of the original satam stone.

1. The existence of strokes on satam rocks with large size. But on satam rocks that have been cut into small pieces, they are rarely found in strokes. So from here you have to be careful and may not greet you when you buy it. 2. The largest satam stone size is 15 cm. So if you find the size of a stone satam more than 15 cm needs to be questioned for its authenticity. 3. If you are going to buy a satam stone with a thin size, if given a flashlight, it will show green. But if the satam rock is round, it will be difficult to test it with a flashlight. 4. The color of the original satam stone is very black which is supported by a shiny surface. The more shiny satam stone, the higher the price.

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Batu Satam as a Belitung Distinctive Souvenir

Satam stone is indeed very typical of the Belitung area. Therefore, not a few visitors who come to Belitung then make the satam stone as a souvenir that they want to take home. Satam stone itself is indeed a much sought after and hunted item, especially by collectors. This is because this satam stone does have several elements such as beauty, uniqueness and magnetic content that is not possessed by other stones. Not only that, some people even consider and believe that satam stone has its own strength which can then be used for several purposes such as repellent jinns, demons and antidotes. To be able to get satam stones at a reasonable price, you can go to the craft center in Pangkal Lalang, Tanjung Pandan, Belitung. The satam stone craftsmen in Pangkal Lalang, Tanjung Pandan indeed get the satam stone material directly from the tin miners.

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Batu Satam Craftsmen and Miners

Talking about the one-time miners there will indeed be a variety of variations. Not only about the price, but how to get it was somewhat unique. This is because many miners get it accidentally. Meanwhile, if they look for it intentionally, it is not uncommon to not even get a satam stone. To get this satam stone is indeed recognized by the miners is quite difficult. This is because to get it the miners must look for it in the former mining area, and even then not all spots or mining areas that contain the stone. Satam stones are sold by the miners themselves with two types, namely selling what it was when it was first discovered or selling it after rubbing it. As for the satam stone craftsmen, they will usually judge the price of the satam stone from the good size and quality. Satam stone itself can be bought by craftsmen from miners at a price of up to millions of rupiah. After getting the satam stone from the miners, the craftsmen will immediately work on the formation of the satam stone to make it look more beautiful. These satam stones are usually shaped by craftsmen into various things such as jewelry, prayer beads or also command sticks for the military.

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Batu Satam Marketing

After shaping it into a more beautiful shape, craftsmen will sell it to consumers. The price of satam stone from this craftsman is certainly more expensive than the price of a miner, from hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah. The price of this expensive satam stone is indeed commonplace. This is because of the presence of satam stones which are rare and hard to find. The marketing of Belitung satam stone itself is not only in Indonesia. But Belitung satam stone is also in great demand by foreign market share such as Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Japan and Hong Kong. Regarding the price, Satam stone is fairly stable, unlike the price of agate that fluctuates. The term satam stone prices do not know the season so you can still get a high price if you want to sell it again to others.

Tags: #ecns2007, #estudisprecolombins, #grupoalvorada


  • belitung comment
    Yusuf saputra
    30 Jan 2023

    Bos ni saya ada batu satam tp bukan dr belitung tp dr aceh waktu pengerjaan jln saya mau jual

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