This is Berego, Belitung's Typical Food that is Similar to Sweet Lontong to Enjoy

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Belitung Article #202
 Asep Irwan Gunawan  14/09/2019
Location: Belitung VIEW 61189 LIKE 704

As a destination that is increasingly popular with tourists, Belitung does have a number of interesting things. Not only does it have a natural tourist attraction such as a beautiful beach, but the State of Laskar Pelangi also has several other interesting things to explore. One of the interesting things that we can find in Belitung is its special food dish. The specialties of Belitung are indeed delicious and delicious to be enjoyed. With the use of spices that are fairly numerous, making this Laskar Pelangi State snack so appetizing. And from some of Belitung's special foods, Berego is one of the snacks that you should not miss when you come or take a vacation to Belitung. Then what is this food or snack called Berego? The following discussion.

Similar Lontong snacks

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This one snack is indeed glimpse if seen like rice cake. This is because rice cake and berego have the same shape, namely oval. When cut too, rice cake and berego are both have a round shape. But when enjoyed, Berego is not as lontong as we imagine. Why? Because the ingredients of berego are indeed different from rice cake. So if lontong is made from aron rice wrapped in banana leaves, this berego is made from a mixture of rice flour and sago flour. From the ingredients used to make the berego, then when enjoyed it will feel more elastic than rice cake. Not only is the chewy sensation that distinguishes lontong and berego, but from the taste, these two snacks also have differences. So if the rice cake tastes tasteless, then berego has a sweet and savory taste so it is more enjoyable when eaten.

Making Berego

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To make this berego, rice flour and sago flour, which are the main ingredients, must be mixed. Then mix the salt and add enough water until it is smooth. After that, this negotiating dough is ready to be steamed. To make this layered berego, the dough must be gradually poured and steamed until then cooked and ready to be served. Before serving, the sheets of flour mixture that has been cooked before must be rolled first to form an oval and long. After being rolled, berego must be cut with a round shape like a piece of rice cake.

Serego Presentation

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With white rounded pieces of berego, this indicates that the typical snack of Belitung is ready to be served and enjoyed. To enjoy proper negotiating, you must prepare a fish curry sauce. This fish sauce you will have to flush to berego that was cut into pieces earlier. With the sweet and savory taste of berego plus curry sauce which is also savory, this snack will make you want to continue to enjoy it. Besides enjoying it with fish curry sauce, this berego also tastes more delicious when eaten together with lakse, gangan or also belitung noodles. Because it contains a lot of carbohydrates, this berego will make you full sooner. You can also enjoy this berego while hanging out and relaxing alone or when with family and friends.

Berego's Place is Found

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For those of you who come or take a vacation to Belitung and want to taste berego, then you don't need to worry because this one snack is easy to find. As a typical Belitung culinary menu, berego is somewhat popular like gangan. From here, we can find this menu menu at food stalls on the roadside. One of the places or food stalls that presents the menu is the restaurant Kampong Dedaun located on Jalan Raya Sijuk, Tanjung Tinggi, Sijuk District, Belitung Regency. In addition to food stalls, we can also meet with this big event at Belitung.

Berego Facts

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In order to increase your knowledge, the following will present some facts about the snack snack.

1. Berego is not made from rice

The first fact Berego is that this snack is not made from rice. If you catch a glimpse, we really think that berego is made from rice because of its lontong-like shape. But apparently this berego is made from a mixture of rice flour and sago flour. The self-made dough is not wrapped in banana leaves, but is stored on a plait or plastic container for steaming. To make an oval shape such as rice cake, the finished dough must be rolled up and then cut round.

2. Usually served at special moments

Berego is indeed a favorite Belitung menu or snack for a long time. Even the privilege of this tour makes many tourists from other regions and even foreign tourists also like it. At certain moments, negotiating is even used as a menu or dish to welcome large guests at official government events.

3. Other Belitung special food that is suitable to be a companion negotiating

Next, the fact of negotiating is the existence of a companion menu that is indeed very appropriate to be enjoyed with the negotiating. Some of the best menu-based menu companions are fish curry, Ganggan, lakse and belitung noodles. Some people even eat this berego together with peanut sauce and coconut milk soup. By enjoying negotiating with the accompanying menus, you are guaranteed to be even more excited and appetite to eat it.

4. Existing berego in Belitung culinary

Finally, the general fact of negotiating that we need to know is the existence of self-serving in Belitung culinary. Although it is a traditional snack, but in the Belitung culinary list, negotiating is very existent and popular. Even the popularity of this negotiation makes you come to Belitung and not try it, then you are like not going to Belitung. Once the existence of this restaurant even makes many big restaurants or restaurants do not want to skip the snack snacks in the menu list for the visitors.

Berego Recipe

The followingegoing recipes you can practice at home to make typical Belitung berego. First, you prepare the ingredients first, namely:  500 grams of good quality rice flour  250 grams of good quality sago flour  1 teaspoon salt  1750 ml water

After that continue with the cooking process in sequence as follows:

 Combine rice flour, sago flour and salt together.  Then pour the water little by little while stirring until it becomes a smooth and non-grain dough.  Steam in a baking dish with a size of 20 x 20 cm that has been smeared with a little oil.  After that pour in 1 tablespoon of vegetable mixture, flatten and steam until cooked.  Pour the mixture over, do it like this continuously until the dough runs out.  After the batter is cooked, remove and remove from the pan.  Finally, roll the dough and cut into 1 1/2 cm width.  Berego is ready to be served and eaten with fish curry or gangan or belitung noodles.

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