Tracing Bedulang, a Unique Tradition to Eat Together in Belitung

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Belitung Article #187
 Asep Irwan Gunawan  28/03/2019
Location: Belitung VIEW 12324 LIKE 642

Eating is an activity that is always present in every citizen wherever he is. But because this country has many cultural elements, in some areas we can find some unique eating traditions. Well, one of the unique and interesting dining traditions can be found in Belitung named Bedulang. Called tradition because this Bedulang did not appear yesterday. But this Bedulang eating tradition has existed and emerged a long time ago and finally took root in the lives of the Belitung people. Then what is the tradition of eating Bedulang or also called the unique Nganggung? Following the review.

The Meaning of Surfer

foto #0 Aneka Menu Makan Bedulang
Aneka Menu Makan Bedulang

In language, Bedulang itself means eating using dulang, which is a large, round tray. So in Bedulang there is a procession of eating together where in one dulang there are four people facing each other and sitting cross-legged or cross-legged to eat the food in the dulang. To be more crowded and feel togetherness, the tradition of eating Bedulang is usually carried out in a mosque or village hall.


foto #1 Susunan Dulang Siap Dihidangkan
Susunan Dulang Siap Dihidangkan

Seeing from the form of Bedulang, the eating tradition of the Belitung community is expected to emerge when Islam entered Belitung. This can be seen from the Bedulang rule which requires that people who eat it sit cross-legged according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. In addition, Bedulang's history can also be traced from local stories which state that Bedulang was once a tradition of eating together in a family in Belitung. So to be able to eat together, his wife and children will wait for father to come home from work to mine tin. Now when father has come home, the family meal will be held immediately. Now this is the forerunner to the emergence of Bedulang as a tradition of eating together in Belitung. But over time, the tradition of eating together in this family has indeed developed into a tradition of eating which is carried out at certain moments such as major religious events and traditional events in Belitung. From this, Bedulang became known as Belitung culture in a general sense. In addition, the story of Bedulang can also be traced from the basic equipment, which is a dulang or a circular serving hood. So first the food hood used in Bedulang was a wooden dish and then changed to using a zinc dish until now.


foto #2 Selain Dulang Disajikan Juga Set Minuman dan Kue atau Buah
Selain Dulang Disajikan Juga Set Minuman dan Kue atau Buah

Bedulang tradition is not just any eating and eating activity. But in Bedulang there is a philosophical meaning that we must understand. So this Bedulang philosophy is a meal together or togetherness and brotherhood which is a reflection of the close relationship between the social system and the ecology of Belitung Island. This is because when eating food in the Bedulang concept, someone will surely meet with other people and will also greet one another. Now from this point, togetherness and strong brotherhood will emerge from Bedulang's activities. Also in this Bedulang there is also a philosophy of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad that is eating by sitting cross-legged. Eating sitting cross-legged is indeed the teachings or sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which has the meaning or meaning together in equality to respect each other among the community members. RED COLORED FOODS AND FOODS IN BEDULANG

In this Bedulang tradition we will find a red food hood that is the hallmark of Bedulang. This serving hood itself has a function which is to close the food to be eaten and also maintain the warmth of the food. For food that is in a serving hood which is then called dulang consists of side dishes in a plate that generally amounts to 6. Later these 6 side dishes will circle a food that is in the middle. The menu in one pan will then be eaten for four people who have circled the dish or the red food hood. Meanwhile for the type or menu of food served in this Bedulang will be found in a variety of different variations depending on the place. Usually the food menu in Bedulang includes fish vegetables, coriander chicken, fresh vegetables (cassava + cucumber leaves), fish satay (similar to pepes), crispy fried tilapia, stir-fry and stir-fried lemongrass. However, when comparing Bedulang in coastal areas and inland areas of Belitung, the available menus will usually be different. Because in Bedulang this does have a principle to use the natural wealth around it for cooking. And one more thing that we can know from Bedulang is that the food menu is usually adjusted to the availability of food in an area and the ability of the host to host it.

foto #3 Dulang Diangkat dan Disajikan Secara Estafet
Dulang Diangkat dan Disajikan Secara Estafet


In carrying out the Bedulang tradition there will be officers who carry it out. This officer himself consists of a Dish Managing who is in charge of preparing food and eating utensils, Tukang Berage with the task of placing food on a tray and Mak Panggong as the coordinator of the method for eating dishes. In addition there is also a Ngangkat Dulang Tukang who raises his bowl in front of the guests, Tukang Ngisi Aik who is in charge of filling drinking water into the glass and the Perikse Dulang who works to check the completeness of the side dishes.

foto #4 Makan Bedulang Mempererat Silaturahmi
Makan Bedulang Mempererat Silaturahmi


In this Bedulang tradition, we can also find rules or ethics that must be followed by everyone who follows them. First, the rules and ethics in the Bedulang eating tradition are that the officials who lift the dishes and deliver food must be at least three people. When lifting the pan, it must be done with both hands with the right leg bent above the knee. In addition, when lifting a pan, the position of the pan lifter should not be turned to the guest. And after that the gadgets will greet the guests and will arrange the position of each guest. The next rules and ethics in Bedulang, which is to open a dish or a food covering, must be the oldest person among the four people. While the person who fetches food is the youngest person as an embodiment and form of respect for older people. After the meal procession is finished, then everyone is required to wash their hands in the containers that have been provided. Do not forget also after washing hands, they must dry it with a four-fold napkin to be returned to its original state after use.

foto #5


As stated previously, this Bedulang eating tradition is indeed not just any eating activity. This is because the tradition of eating Bedulang is one form of local wisdom of the Belitung people that has taken root and is descending. And so thick Belitung culture in the tradition of eating Bedulang, makes this eating activity then made into the potential of Belitung tourism. The purpose of making Bedulang as one part of Belitung tourism is of course to be able to attract many tourists to come. The result is that we will now be able to meet Bedulang in tourism events held by the local government or the agenda of the central government in cooperation with the regional government.

foto #6

Tags: #ecns2007, #estudisprecolombins, #grupoalvorada
