Nirok Nanggok, South Belitung Community Traditions During Long Dry Season

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Belitung Article #200
 Asep Irwan Gunawan  11/08/2019
Location: Belitung VIEW 10418 LIKE 1094

By bringing a tool called tirok and Tanggok, the people of Belantu Village, Kemiri, then rushed to a river to look for fish. The fishing activity carried out by the Belantu village community on Belitung Island in the south is indeed not just an ordinary event. Because the fishing activities carried out en masse in the long dry season have been legendary and scheduled regularly every year. But what does the Nirok Nanggong tradition look like? The following explanation.

The receding river phenomenon due to drought and fishing activities

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As previously mentioned, Nirok Nanggok is a tradition that is carried out during the long dry season. Due to the long drought that occurred in August to September, many rivers in Belitung have experienced a drastic reduction in water discharge. Now from this receding river condition, many fish are found that are easily obtained because they gather or are trapped in a bull. From the repeated events which take the form of a long dry season that causes the swamps and rivers to dry up, the agenda for the Nirok Nanggok event is determined. To get fish in the river when the tradition of Nirok Nanggok itself requires two tools, namely tirok and Tanggok. These two tools are indeed later used as naming for the unique tradition in Belitung. Tirok itself is a tool in the form of a wooden stick with a spear attached to the base. Meanwhile, Tanggok is a tool made of rattan and is shaped like a small net to catch fish. With these two tools, the community members will jump into the river to get as many fish as possible.

A Sacred Program by Through Long Stages and Various Regulations

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The Nirok Nanggok event is indeed not a fishing event as usual. But on the Nirok Nanggok agenda, there is a stage and several rules that are set. Not only that, because it is a tradition or traditional ceremony, Nirok Nanggok is somewhat sacred. This is because when it was held, Nirok Nanggok presented the Dukun Kampong and Dukun Air as the event leaders and was also attended by village leaders. The most sacred part of the Nirok Nanggok event itself is when village shamans offer prayers as an expression of gratitude towards God Almighty for the sustenance that has been obtained through the universe.

Stages Before the Nanggok Nirok Procession

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In general, in the tradition and events of Nirok Nanggok itself there are two stages that can be found. The first stage is the process before implementation, while the second stage is the process when Nirok Nanggok takes place. In the first stage, before the implementation, the Village Shaman and Air Shaman will determine the best time and date for the implementation of the Nirok Nanggok event. After that, the Dukun Kampung and Dukun Air will determine and review the appropriate locations for the implementation of Nirok Nanggok. Indeed, not all receding river / ox / amau can be used for events. Because only the river is receding and has many fish that can be used for the Nirok Nanggok event. Now the only people who know of the existence of rivers that have fish are Kampung Shaman and Air Shaman. After that before it is actually held, the Village Shaman and Air Shaman will notify the public to prepare the Tirok and Tanggok tools for the event.

Stages at the Nanggok Nirok Procession and Event

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Heading into the second stage of Nirok Nanggok is when the event takes place. So when Nirok Nanggok is run, residents, both men and women and children will gather at the designated place or river by bringing the equipment that has been prepared. Before going down to the river, residents will wait before the village shaman and the water shaman offer their prayers. The prayer offered by the Dukun Kampung and Dukun Air is that the Nirok Nanggok event takes place smoothly and all people are avoided from negative events. In the Nirok Nanggok event, bad things can happen, such as tugs that lead to the feet or the presence of snakes and dangerous animals that are wrongly caught. After the prayer has been offered by the Water Shaman and the Village Shaman, the core of the event from Nirok Nanggok is fishing for the river by the community members by going down to the river together.

The Use of Areca Nut and Betel Leaves in Nirok Nanggok

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Another interesting thing that we can find from the Nirok Nanggok event is the use of betel nuts and betel leaves. To ward off the disturbance of supernatural beings during the implementation and to ask for safety in the Nirok Nanggok event, the betel nuts and betel leaves have been trusted for a long time and are hereditary. The areca nut itself will be wrapped in betel leaves and then placed at the location of the Nirok Nanggok event until the event is over. The use of betel nuts wrapped in betel leaves is also a requirement for Nirok Nanggok. So if there are no betel nuts and betel leaves, Nirok Nanggok will be canceled or failed to be implemented.

End of Nirok Nanggok Event

The end of the Nirok Nanggok event is when a container full of fish has been found. There are also people who will continue to search for fish if the desired target has not been obtained. The most sought and targeted fish by the community members in the Nirok Nanggok event is the Baung fish. Many people are eyeing the Baung fish in Nirok Nanggok because this Baung fish has many health benefits. This high protein and omega 3 and low fat content is a sign that the Baung fish is very healthy when consumed. From here, the Baung fish has always been the target of the citizens of every Nanggok Nirok held.

Loving People Citizens

In the tradition of Nirok Nanggok there is an interesting sight that can be witnessed. The interesting sight is the hustle and bustle of people who meet in one place and mingle with one another. Especially when the main event namely fishing in the river has begun, the atmosphere will be even more lively. The joy and joy of the Belantu Village community when Nirok Nanggok had already started, would be very felt if we were there. This heart filled with joy will cover all the problems that are and are being experienced by someone. In the Nirok Nanggok event, the people were indeed free to search for as much fish as possible. However, in this event the preservation efforts were also upheld by not taking all the fish obtained for some of them to be released back into the river.

Function and Purpose of Nirok Nanggok

Apart from being an expression of gratitude for the provision of sustenance from God Almighty, the organization of Nirok Nanggok is presented with the aim of preserving and preserving local traditions. Another function and purpose of Nirok Nanggok is to maintain the cohesiveness and unity of Belantu Village residents. When almost all villagers gather, there will be strong socialization there. From here, the sense of brotherhood among the citizens will be fostered even thicker.

Tags: #ecns2007, #estudisprecolombins, #grupoalvorada
