Layanan Wisata: Snorkeling

Snorkeling per set mask, fin, snorkel
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The easiest way to explore the beauty of Belitung underwater, meet the coral and fishes. This is the most favorite activity in Belitung. We highly recommend to try this activity during island hopping trip. There are thousands of friendly fishes near Lengkuas island that will welcome you to see their beauty. The coral in this area is just fantastically beautiful. You do not need to be able to swim to do snorkeling as long as you wear the lifevest. Harga per set inlcusive mask, snorkel, fin.

Berikut ini adalah layanan wisata terkait dengan Snorkeling yang mungkin anda butuhkan selama berlibur di Belitung. Klik link di bawah ini untuk informasi lebih rinci:

Untuk melakukan pemesanan Snorkeling , pilih layanan melalui form di pojok kiri atas, masukkan jumlah, tanggal dan klik HITUNG. Jika sudah sesuai dengan pilhan anda klik ADD TO CART.

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  • client
    Chenyu Wu
    23 Dec 2023

    Hi, this is Chenyu. I\'m trying to book island hopping for a group of two on January 1/2 at Belitung. I am also looking for some other fun activities to book. It would be great if I can have some recommendations from you considering the weather and the group size. You can also reach me by WhatsApp: +8615600152281. Thanks in advance! Chenyu
