Belitung or Belitong?

For many visitors who come to Belitung, this is the first question that comes to your mind. The Belitung language has several uniqueness, and is actually similar to Indonesian because it is basically Malay. For simplicity most of the words that have the letter "a" are replaced by "e". For example the word "price" becomes "harge", "flower" becomes "bunge". In addition there is another uniqueness that is the letter "u" is replaced by "o", for example "village" becomes "village", and finally "Belitung" becomes "Belitong". So Belitong is a pronunciation of Belitung in the local language. Belitong in the colonial era was known as Billitone.
The word Belitong was first popularized out of Belitung by Andrea Hirata in the Laskar Pelangi novel. In the novel Andrea uses the word Belitong, even the same mention is also used in the film Laskar Pelangi. But, lately the word Belitong began to be used with a more unique purpose, namely as a unifier. On the island of Belitung, there are two districts namely Belitung Regency (West) and East Belitung Regency . East Belitung is a district resulting from the division of regions which previously had only one district, namely, Belitung Regency. So to keep unifying the identity of the Belitung people, the people there call them Belitong People, meaning people from the island of Belitung, regardless of which district they come from.