Belitung Tour Satu Hari: Photo Tour East Belitung

Paket Wisata khusus Belitung
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Photo Tour East Belitung

Tur ini diperuntukan bagi fotografer. Tur dimulai pagi sekali untuk mengejar waktu terbitnya matahari dan akan berakhir disaat matahari terbenam. Setiap peserta harus membawa sendiri peralatan foto. Tur ini tidak menyediakan mentor/instruktur khusus untuk foto, tidak juga model fotonya.
Berikut ini tempat-tempat yang akan dikunjungi selama tur:

Jadwal: Daftar Destinasi

4 pax

Pantai Serdang

Jadwal Hari #1 - Destinasi #1
Jam pergi: Pantai Serdang
4 pax


Jadwal Hari #1 - Destinasi #2
Jam pergi: Gantung
4 pax


Jadwal Hari #1 - Destinasi #3
Jam pergi: Gantung
4 pax

Open Pit Mining

Jadwal Hari #1 - Destinasi #4
Jam pergi: Open Pit Mining


Asisten Liburan Anda

Testimoni (542)

  • client1
    27 Aug 2019

    belitung image
    Saya sudah 2x kerjasama dengan membawa group ke belitung ..POKOKNYA SERVICENYA MANTAP juga crew drivernya gesit-gesit familiar + humanis ( Bpk Gito + Om Doony + Om Asep dkk ) pokoknya you are the best lah hehe...
    Ibu Santy nya responsif pokoknya TOP dech ibu kita yang satu ini xixixi.... ditambah support Bpk Kusumah juga mantul alias mantap betuuuuuul hahaha.... KOPI JANGGUT bikin saya kangen waktu itu saya cuma kabagian 1 gelas karena laris manis wkwkwk

    • agent 2
      Admin BIC
      27 Aug 2019

  • client1
    29 Nov 2018

    Great time
    Had a few mishaps but it was all part of the experience and we really enjoy it. Both lilly and Doni were excellent very friendly and helpful at all times.
    And santika room is better than marriott. Bigger more and more food just lacking english abit but still better than marriott. Marriott more suited for western people as they can speak english better and have more generic western food for breakfast. Rooms much much smaller
    Hope to see you again soon

    • agent 2
      Admin BIC
      4 Dec 2018

  • client1
    Lina Afrilyana
    30 Nov 2018

    Amazing trip. Thanks a lot to

    We are so happy with your superb and professional services, and impressed indeed with the beautiful Belitung island, friendly people, and delicious foods.

    • agent 2
      Admin BIC
      4 Dec 2018