Homestay Provides Another Atmosphere to Stay in Belitung

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Belitung Article #115
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TOURISTS visiting Belitung do not have to pay a large fee to stay overnight in the Land of Laskar Pelangi. Stay facilities in Belitung are not only budget hotels to star hotels. But it is also equipped with lodging and homestays that offer much cheaper rates.

Dozens of homestays are available in Keciput Village, Sijuk, which is currently the Belitung tourism icon. In addition to the cheap fare, some advantages can also be felt by tourists who stay at the homestay provided by local residents.

Keciput Village which has Tanjung Kelayang Beach as a tourist attraction, as well as access for tourists who will visit some beautiful islands in the Sijuk area. Among Lengkuas Island, Bird Island, and Babi Island through Tanjung Kelayang Beach.

Homestay built around the village residents began in 2010. Sail Indonesia Event triggers residents to provide rooms for travelers who are close to the sail location. The peak was at Sail Wakatobi Belitong in 2011, where all hotels in Belitung were full.

At that time Indonesian Vice President Boediono and the ministers attended the sail, so there were many visits to Belitung. Including the media crew who want to cover the event. Homestay is an option because access to the Tanjung Kelayang location is very close.

Staying at a homestay is very cheap, the average rate is only around Rp. 100,000 to Rp. 200 thousand per night. Friendliness of the surrounding population and village atmosphere is a plus plus stay at a homestay. Travelers can also see the activities of the surrounding community in their daily lives.

Traditional food menus can also be felt to spoil the tongue of travelers. Travelers who stay at the homestay can order traditional food menus to fill the stomach. The fare depends on the policy of the homestay owner, it can be as a free meal or enough to replace spending money that is not much.

Homestay in this village also means close to the community craft centers. Travelers can see first hand the process of making crafts and buy it as a souvenir to the place of the maker directly. Of course at a cheaper price. Very suitable for backpackers.

Local village community leader Sukardi said the number of homestays in his village had now increased to 30 home stays. The high level of visits to Belitung is also very influential for the surrounding community's economy.

"People in this village still hope to get a big income from the increase in the tourism sector with the increasing number of homestay businesses for tourists in this village," said Sukardi. (*)

Register Homestay at Sijuk
1) Untung Irawan Jl. Tanjung Kelayang RT 06 RW 02 Tel: 081977876748
2) Jumhadi Jl. H. Sai Deramad RT 004 RW 001 Tel: 08197898590
3) Hairruddin Jl. Tanjung Tinggi RT 07 RW 05 Tel: 081929720248
4) Muhadi Jl. Tanjung Tinggi RT 08 RW 03 Tel: 081929639148
5) Leo Suhendar Jl. Sijuk RT 002 RW 001 Tel: 081929695367
6) Dahrin Jl. Tanjung Kelayang RT 06 RW 02 Tel: 081929724284
7) Mardin Jl. Tanjung Tinggi RT 12 RW 04 Tel: 081271812723
8) Megawati Jl. Tanjung Kelayang RT 04 RW 02 Tel: 081929705911
9) Jasnati Jl. Tanjung Kelayang RT 06 RW 02 Tel: 081929503815
10) Jasmine (Junaidi Saei) Jl. RT Sijuk School 03
11) Mawar (Subarkat) Jl. RT Sijuk School 03
12) Melati (Halil) Jl. RT Sijuk School 03
13) Yuda Firmansyah Ds. Tanjung Binga
14) Hermanto Ds. Tanjung Binga
15) Armawati Ds. Tanjung Binga
16) Arman Amat Ds. Tanjung Binga

Tags: #ecns2007, #estudisprecolombins, #grupoalvorada


  • belitung comment
    Gilang Riadi
    25 Jul 2017

    Apakah bisa diinfokan dari daftar diatas homestay nya disewakan per kamar atau 1 rumah sekaligus..saya dan grup ada rencana kesana dan ingin menyewa sebuah rumah (bukan kamar). Regards,