Tour Package #2: Belitung Honeymoon

The most enjoyable way to explore Belitung Maxone Belstar
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Itinerary: List of Destinations

Day #1
Tanjung Tinggi
Itinerary Day #1 - Destination #1
More about Tanjung Tinggi
Day #1
Kampong Dedaun
Itinerary Day #1 - Destination #2
More about Kampong Dedaun
Lunch Day # 1

Kampong Dedaun Resto

+62 812 7847 9677
Fri - Sun 09.00 - 18
Jl. Tanjung Tinggi Sijuk Belitung Indonesia 33414

On the beach near Tanjung Tinggi, serve traditional Belitung fresh seafood dishes. A non-seafood menu is also available. This restaurant is equipped with reclamation facilities such as kayaking and bicycle rental, gazebo, sun loun ...

Day #1
Tanjung Kelayang
Itinerary Day #1 - Destination #3
More about Tanjung Kelayang
Day #1
Tanjung Binga
Itinerary Day #1 - Destination #4
More about Tanjung Binga
Dinner Day # 1


+62 818 401 453
Fri - Sun 09.00 - 2
Air Merbau, Tanjung Pandan - Belitung

Berage serves a variety of local and Indonesian dishes that are famous for delicious flavors among the local residents of the city of Tanjungpandan. One famous dish is land gangan, a yellow soup made with a combination of beef and ...

Day #2
Pasir Island
Itinerary Day #2 - Destination #1
More about Pasir Island
Day #2
Batu Berlayar
Itinerary Day #2 - Destination #2
More about Batu Berlayar
Lunch Day # 2

+62 819-4925-9322
Pulau Kelayang


Day #2
Pulau Lengkuas
Itinerary Day #2 - Destination #3
More about Pulau Lengkuas
Day #2
Burung Island
Itinerary Day #2 - Destination #4
More about Burung Island
Dinner Day # 2


+62 819 2955 3557
Daily 10.00 - 21.00
Jl Dr. Susilo No.39, Tanjungpandan Belitung

Luxurious restaurant and conference room with the best standard in Belitung, a large building, large parking area, provides conference facilities for corporate events or weddings. Special menu with fresh Belitung cuisine is our sp ...

Day #3
Kaolin Lake
Itinerary Day #3 - Destination #1
More about Kaolin Lake
Day #3
Rumah Adat
Itinerary Day #3 - Destination #2
More about Rumah Adat
Your Holiday Assistance

Testimonials (47)

  • client1
    Ferdinan Vironosky Siagian
    10 Sep 2016

    Exciting and fascinating ... wonderful 3 days in Belitung .... Beautiful island, beaches and views ... We enjoy this vacation, swimming ... many places for taking photos ... Thanks BIc and Mr. Deden ... He is good tour guide, and showing the beautiful places ...

    • agent 2
      BIC Admin
      16 Sep 2016

  • client1
    Aldo & Herlien
    12 Apr 2016

    One word, Amazing! Thank you to and Mr. Deden as the tour guide that made our honeymoon very memorable.
    On the first day, we were immediately picked up by Mr. Deden at the airport. He is very friendly and tells a lot about the beauty of Belitung. From the airport, we were taken to Belitong Noodle Shop, which is one of the special foods there. Don't forget Mr. Deden prepared a lot of snacks because he knew we were starving at dawn. haha We spent a lot of the first day in East Belitung to visit several attractions there, including a replica of the Muhammadiyah Gantong school, the Andrea Hirata Word Museum, and also the Ahok Village. In the evening, we were treated to a Candle Light dinner that was included in the honeymoon package.
    On the second day, we enjoyed sea tourism which is certainly a characteristic of Belitung. Some of the places we visited include Tanjung Kelayang, Pasir Island, Batu Berlayar, Lengkuas Island, Tanjung Tinggi, etc. Lots of beautiful spots to be used as object photos and of course Mr. Deden is ready to help to take a picture. hehe
    On the third day, we did not forget to buy typical Belitung souvenirs, including various crackers and interesting souvenirs. Before taking us to the airport, Mr. Deden also took us to take us to Kaolin Lake, a former kaolin mine which was mostly covered in white sand and a lake with blue water. Certainly become one of the places that must be visited.
    Thus our brief review for 3 days 2 nights in Belitung with all its natural beauty. Once again, arigatou gozaimasu for Mr. Deden and team :)

    Aldo & Herlien

    • agent 2
      BIC Admin
      18 Apr 2016

      Hi Aldo & Herlian, Thank you for the testimony, so glad we read it, the experience is written in detail. Pak Deden is very happy to be able to make his vacation so memorable. Don't be embarrassed to return to Belitung again and don't forget to first click Warm greetings from Belitung :)

  • client1
    24 Sep 2015

    We had such a wonderful unforgettable time during our trip. Belitung island is definetely a lovely place to visit. It is beautiful and peaceful, all the people are friendly. We really want to thank for giving us a super pleasant satisfying service. The hotel was good, clean, and although we didnt really enjoy the brekfast but overall it was wonderful. We visit some lovely tourism objects and guided by a super friend and helpful tour guide, Mr. Deden. Thanks for the memories :)

    • agent 2
      BIC Admin
      30 Nov -0001