Don't Miss This Tourist Location When You Visit Belitung

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Belitung Article #142
Location: Belitung VIEW 7434 LIKE 1225
WHO is not familiar with Belitung Island right now. After the Laskar Pelangi film bombing, Belitung Island became the new belle of tourism. Many domestic and foreign tourists who flock to visit Belitung.

Previously, not many people knew about this tin-producing island to save the natural beauty that was so charming. But do you know the locations that you must go to when traveling to Belitung?

Here are the locations that are a pity to miss while in Belitung:

1. Lengkuas Island

"Not yet to Belitung if it hasn't set foot on Lengkuas Island". This sentence is very familiar to tour operators in Belitung. Lengkuas Island is also a Belitung tourist icon with several other tourist locations.

Located in the waters of Sijuk District, the island which has a lighthouse presents a beautiful panorama of marine tourism. A stretch of white sand covers an island of no more than two hectares. Large granite rocks also beautify the coastline of the island.

Moreover, the sea water around the island is also very clear. Tourists can do snorkeling and diving around the island. The beauty of coral reefs and colorful ornamental fish makes tourists linger snorkeling.

2. Tanjung Tinggi Beach

This beach has begun to smell its beauty long before the Laskar Pelangi film was bombing. This is evidenced by the giant companies at that time who began to build hotels around the location. This beach is also an icon of Belitung tourism.

The beach, located in the village of Tanjungtinggi, Sijuk, is increasingly popular after being used as a shooting location for Laskar Pelangi Films. Belitung beach characteristics are very visible on this beach called Bilik Beach. Large groups of granite boulders rise high on this beach.

The waves at Tanjung Tinggi Beach are relatively calm so you can swim without having to be afraid of being carried by the waves. The distance of this beach to the city center is only 37 KM, or only about 30 minutes away.

3. Tanjung Kelayang Beach

The location of this beach is parallel to Tanjungtinggi Beach. Located in the village area Keciput, Sijuk, this beach is the most famous among yacther. During the last few years this beach is also a stop point for implementing sail.

Even in 2011, this beach was the center of Sail Wakatobi Belitong. Vice President Budiono and all cabinet ministers at this time were present at the Sal Wakatobi Belitong on Tanjung Kelayang Beach.

Tourists can enjoy this beach when going to Lengkuas Island, because the distance of this beach to Lengkuas Island is relatively close. Many crossing boats are moored on this beach and are ready to take tourists to Lengkuas Island.

4. Sand Island

Sand Island is seen when the sea conditions recede. Located between Tanjung Kelayang Beach and Lengkuas Island, this island is a haven for tourists.

On this island tourists can find starfish and photos together. Sea water clarity around this location adds to the comfort of tourists. The size of this island is very small. So that not many tourists can stop at this island.

5. Blue Lake

Blue Lake is located in Gang Murai, Air Raya Village, Tanjungpandan. Not far from Tanjungpandan city center. This location is an alternative tourist location in the city center.

The lake is formed from the former Kaolin quarry which is currently still active. This location is not a public tourist location. Never been actively formed for tourist sites. But its beauty captivates tourists.

This location was first introduced by photographers who capture the moment. Some even say the scenery here is almost the same as the view of the White Crater in Bandung.

6. The Word Museum

This museum is located in Andrea Hirata's hometown in Gantung, Beltim. Founded by the writer of the Laskar Pelangi novel, this museum is also an alternative tour in Belitung.

Andrea Hirata Word Museum is the first literary museum in Indonesia. Here, you can watch collections about the film Laskar Pelangi. You can find various works of Andrea Hirata in this museum.

There is a special short story made by Andrea Hirata that is not published publicly, and you can only read here. The museum was built by Andrea Hirata with the aim of inspiring children and young people in the village of Gantong, to develop their artistic talent.

Those are some locations that you must visit when you are in Belitung. There are still many other tourist locations in Belitung that will leave you in awe. (*)

Tags: #ecns2007, #estudisprecolombins, #grupoalvorada


  • belitung comment
    Sujasmir Hamid
    20 May 2016

    Motivasi Pariwisata Seseorang akan memilih Daerah Tujuan Wisata tertentu untuk memenuhi need and wantsnya. faktor pendorong bagi seseorang untuk melakukan perjalanan wisata seperti di bawah ini: 1. Escape. Ingin melepaskan diri dari lingkungan yang dirasakan menjemukan, atau kejenuhan 2. Relaxation. Keinginan untuk penyegaran, yang juga berhubungna dengan motivasi 3. Play. Ingin menikmati kegembiraan, melalui berbagai permainan, yang merupakan pemunculan kembali dari sifat kekanak-kanakan. dan melepaskan diri sejenak dari berbagai urusan serius. 4. Strengthening family bonds. Ingin mempererat hubungan kekerabatan. Keakraban hubungan kekerabatan ini juga terjadi di antara anggota keluarga yang melakukan perjalanan bersama-sama, karena kebersamaan sangat sulit diperoleh dalam suasana kerja sehari-hari di negara industri. 5. Prestige. Untuk menunjukkan gengsi, dengan mengunjungi destinasi yang juga merupakan dorongan untuk meningkatkan status atau derajat sosial. 6. Social interaction. Untuk melakukan interaksi sosial dengan teman sejawat, atau dengan masyarakat lokal yang dikunjungi. 7. Romance. Keinginan untuk bertemu dengan orang-orang yang bisa memberikan suasana romantis 8. Educational Opportunity, Keinginan untuk melihat sesuatu yang baru, mempelajari orang lain dan/atau daerah lain, atau mengetahui kebudayaan etnis lain. 9. Self-Fulfilment. Keinginan untuk menemukan diri sendiri (self-discovery), karena diri sendiri biasanya bisa ditemukan pada saat kita menemukan daerah orang yang baru. 10. Wish Fulfilment. Keinginan untuk merealisasikan mimpi-mimpi yang lama di cita-citakan, sampai mengorbankan diri dengan cara berhemat, agar bisa melakukan perjalanan. Hal ini juga sangat jelas dalam perjalanan wisata religius Diantara faktor diatas terdapat pula keunikan-keunikan pariwisata seperti: Pariwisata belitung merupakan destinasi baru yang memiliki alam yang natural dan keunikan panoramanya serta adat istiadat kaum melayu dan china. Belitung telah dikenal sejak jaman belanda masuk nusantara untuk mencari daerah pertambangan dan rempah-rempahnya. contoh lainnya Pariwisata Bali yang telah terkenal baik di Indonesia maupun ke mancanegara. Hampir sebagian besar penduduk Bali, mata pencaharian untuk kehidupan mereka, bergerak dalam bidang pariwisata. Seperti menjadi karyawan hotel, karyawan restoran, pemandu wisata, pedagang di pasar seni, pengerajin dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.Pariwisata di Bali berkembang pesat karena, pulau dewata memiliki beranekaragam daya tarik wisata. Daya tarik yang beraneka ragam itu meliputi tempat wisata Bali, kesenian traditional, adat istiadat, arsitektur traditional khas Bali dan tentunya alam trofis. Pariwisata daerah–daerah lain di Indonesia juga sangat beragam dan dapat dinikmati di daerah lain seperti sumatera, kalimantan, sulawesi, jawa, papua dll.. Penting di cermati dan dicontohkan bagi dunia pariwisata yaitu: pariwisata Bali berkembang karena nilai estitika, seni budaya dan sifat fleksebilitas serta toleransi orang Bali. Selamat pagi Indonesia…semoga bermanfaat untuk dunia pariwisata. Tks Sujasmir Hamid