The legendary Begubang art

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Belitung Article #232
 Asep Irwan Gunawan  3/07/2020
Location: Belitung VIEW 1645583 LIKE 0

The tradition of dancing in Belitung is indeed very thick felt. With the Malay culture inherent in the community, several arts and traditions related to the pantun culture have emerged. One of the arts and traditions that emerged from this pantun culture is begubang. Then what is Begubang art tradition like? The following explanation.

Belitung Community Pantun Tradition

foto #0 Begubang

Begubang is a tradition of taking part in the Belitung people, especially the people of the East Belitung region. Although today this tradition has been forgotten, but in the past Begubang has become a favorite of the people. Even so enthralling the art of this Begubang make young people make the activities Begubang as a meeting place to knit relationships and life by clad in the concept of customs. In its implementation, Begubang itself also describes the social, cultural and religious life of the community.

Begubang Art

foto #1 Begubang

Begubang itself is in the form of a guided art performed by 2 (two) or 3 (three) men. The poem delivered in Begubang is the pantun about advice and other interrelated themes. If the men bring rhymes, then in this Begubang women will become dancers. By using a scarf, the female dancers will accompany Begubang activities. The dance itself will be finished when there is an opponent of the dancer who inserts a coin (gubang) into an available book. In Begubang performance itself, it will usually be accompanied by Betiong music until later there is someone who calls this art by the name Betiong Begubang. The musical instruments in Begubang include stringed instruments, drums, violins and tawak-tawak.

Preservation of Begubang Art

foto #2 Begubang

As explained earlier, the art or tradition of Begubang nowadays has indeed been forgotten. For this reason, the Regional Government always presents several events to revive Begubang. One of the events held by the local government to preserve Begubang is the Belitong Distinctive Culinary Festival and Belitong Cultural Arts Attraction. When this festival is held, Begubang art will be performed by the Betubangg Begubang Studio from Lintang Village - East Belitung. Begubang art must always be preserved since it has become a tradition and identity of the Belitung people for a long time. In fact, if Begubang is able to be preserved, then this art can become a special tourist attraction for Belitung which is currently the center of tourists' attention.

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Tags: #ecns2007, #estudisprecolombins, #grupoalvorada
